Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas to All

For my intercultural business communications course last week we had to write a report and do a presentation. I was the person that compiled the report and did the bibliography. Bad idea. It can be hard to compile a paper with different parts written by competent English-natives. Now add in incompetent non-English-natives... It took me about 5 hours and I was so annoyed by the end I thought I would snap. The Spaniards didn't cite any sources within the paper or send me any information. They also did not respond to my emails. Thus, I had to find my own sources. Swedish girl tried to cite wikipedia. And our presentation sucked, which makes me mad. I spent all that time working on the paper, while everyone else was supposed to do the presentation, and it SUCKED. The paper was good, and I'm not being egotistical saying that. The whole thing was just frustrating though, so I'm glad it was over quickly.

On Friday I went with Zuzana to Bratislava. The train tickets there and back are only 14€. Bratislava is... mmm... not all that pretty, for the most part. It was clear that it was former Soviet Union. Gray buildings and such. The castle is nice, though you couldn't see much from up top because of the fog. Apparently you can usually see Austria from up on the hilltop. We had a good lunch at the Slovak Pub, and later went to the Christmas market with one of Zuzana's roommates.

I met up with Jessica (from Emory) on Saturday afternoon to buy my dad's Christmas present. We finished quickly (I have little patience), and ended up going to her dorm and watching tv for hours. Her room came with a television and cable - so jealous! If I had a tv, I'd watch CNN all day because it's in English. After lots and lots of tv, I helped her take her stuff to the the train to the airport.

Sunday was my Christmas market finale. First I went to Karlsplatz, since I had yet to go there. Not that good, to tell the truth. Then I went to Rathaus, since I hadn't ever been there at night. Beaaaauuuutiful!!! Loved it! I ranked the Christmas markets by my favorites:
8. Museums Quartier - Maria Theresien Platz
7. Belvedere Palace
6. Karlsplatz
5. Am Hof
4. Spittelberg
3. Freyung
2. Schönbrunn Palace
1. Rathaus

Today I finished up my Christmas shopping at (the very busy) Thalia bookstore, and bought groceries at Billa, including candy and pie to console myself because my parents' flights got canceled and now they won't be here until 6:15 pm tomorrow (Christmas day). I'm so depressed. I think tomorrow I'll just watch Christmas movies/scenes/tv shows, like:
1. Love Actually
2. The Office "Christmas Party" (season 2)
3. The Office "A Benihana Christmas" (season 3)
4. Veronica Mars "An Echolls Family Christmas" (season 1)
5. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - Christmas scenes
6. Mean Girls - talent show scene

Despite this, I hope that everyone else has a fantastic Christmas! And don't worry about me, since my parents will be here... eventually. So just enjoy yourself and blast "Last Christmas" by Wham, just like I'm doing. Last Christmas I gave you my heart, but the very next day you gave it away...

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